Kotlin Telegram Bot 0.11.7a Help

Exception handling

Chain errors

To change the default error messages, you need to implement class MessageTemplate. For example:

class CustomMessageTemplate : MessageTemplate() { override val whenCommandNotFound: String = "Unknown command \${command}. See /help." override val whenUnexpectedMessageType: String = "Unexpected message type." override val whenStepNotFound: String = "Unexpected message. See /help." override val whenKnownException: String = "\${message}" override val whenUnknownException: String = "Unexpected error. Contact with developers." }

And set it:

val config = TelegramBotConfig().apply { receiving { messageTemplate = { CustomMessageTemplate() } } }

For Spring and Ktor+Koin you can simply set messages in properties like:

telegram-bot.template.when-command-not-found=Unknown command ${command}. See /help. telegram-bot.template.when-unexpected-message-type=Unexpected message type. telegram-bot.template.when-step-not-found=Unexpected message. See /help. telegram-bot.template.when-known-exception="${message}" telegram-bot.template.when-unknown-exception=Unknown command. See /help.

General exceptions

exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler - interface to implementation. Also, you can inherit from ExceptionHandlerImpl and add you custom exceptions only.

class CustomExceptionHandler(bot: TelegramBot, template: MessageTemplate, templater: Templater) : ExceptionHandlerImpl(bot, template, templater) { // All exceptions are handled here by default override suspend fun caught(chatId: Long, ex: Throwable) { when (ex) { is CustomException -> bot.sendMessage(chatId, ex.localizedMessage) else -> super.caught(chatId, ex) } } // You can add separate handler for command (Optional) override suspend fun executeCommand(callback: Message, block: suspend () -> Unit) { ... } // You can add separate handler for step (Optional) override suspend fun executeStep(callback: Message, block: suspend () -> Unit) { ... } // You can add separate handler for callback (Optional) override suspend fun executeCallback(callback: CallbackQuery, block: suspend () -> Unit) { try { block() } catch (ce: CustomException) { bot.sendMessage(callback.message!!.chat.id, template.whenKnownException with ("message" to ce.localizedMessage)) } catch (throwable: Throwable) { val chatId = callback.message!!.chat.id logger.error("Unexpected error while handling message in chat $chatId", throwable) bot.sendMessage(chatId, template.whenUnknownException) } } }
val config = TelegramBotConfig().apply { receiving { exceptionHandler = { CustomExceptionHandler(telegramBot, receiving.messageTemplate, templating.templater) } handling { startCommand() } } } fun BotHandling.startCommand() { command("/start") { throw CustomException("this message will now be displayed to the user") } }
Last modified: 01 December 2024