Kotlin Telegram Bot 0.10.3 Help


Substituting values into templates

Substitution is available using the short with() method with overloads. By default in the BotHandling and BotUpdateHandling classes. And also for Ktor + Koin and in other classes using Templating interface.

@Component class PresentationTestClass( private val templater: Templater, ) { val testTemplate = "testing value is '\${value}'" val instance = PresentationTestModel("some name") val simpleValue = 1 with(templater) { val example1 = testTemplate with instance println(example1) // prints "testing value is 'some name'" val example2 = testTemplate with mapOf("value" to simpleValue) println(example2) // prints "testing value is '1'" val example3 = testTemplate with ("value" to simpleValue) println(example3) // prints "testing value is '1'" } } data class PresentationTestModel( val value: String )
@Single class PresentationTestClass : Templating { val testTemplate = "testing value is '\${value}'" val instance = PresentationTestModel("some name") val simpleValue = 1 val example1 = testTemplate with instance println(example1) // prints "testing value is 'some name'" val example2 = testTemplate with mapOf("value" to simpleValue) println(example2) // prints "testing value is '1'" val example3 = testTemplate with ("value" to simpleValue) println(example3) // prints "testing value is '1'" } data class PresentationTestModel( val value: String )
class PresentationTestClass( private val templater: Templater, ) : Templater by templater { val testTemplate = "testing value is '\${value}'" val instance = PresentationTestModel("some name") val simpleValue = 1 val example1 = testTemplate with instance println(example1) // prints "testing value is 'some name'" val example2 = testTemplate with mapOf("value" to simpleValue) println(example2) // prints "testing value is '1'" val example3 = testTemplate with ("value" to simpleValue) println(example3) // prints "testing value is '1'" } data class PresentationTestModel( val value: String )

Integration with FreeMarker


dependencies { implementation("io.github.dehuckakpyt.telegrambot:telegram-bot-core:0.10.3") implementation("io.github.dehuckakpyt.telegrambot:telegram-bot-templater-freemarker:0.10.3") }
val config = TelegramBotConfig().apply { templater = { Templater.dynamicFreeMarker } }


The escapeHtml() and cleanHtml() methods are available in the template (implementation). These can be used when sending a message with parseMode = HTML.

The escapeHtml() method escapes all html characters. The cleanHtml() method leaves only telegram formatted tags (see official docs).

fun BotHandling.templateCommand() { val cleanExample = "formatted text: \${cleanHtml(param)}" val escapeExample = "formatted text: \${escapeHtml(param)}" val htmlFormattedString = "<b><u>formatted</u></b> <center>ignored</center><br>new line" command("/template_html_formatted") { // message text: formatted text: <b><u>formatted</u></b> <center>ignored</center><br>new line sendMessage(cleanExample with ("param" to htmlFormattedString), parseMode = Html) // message text: formatted text: formatted ignored new line (with underline и line break) sendMessage(escapeExample with ("param" to htmlFormattedString), parseMode = Html) } }

Receiving templates

Using a method with delegates TemplateFactory.property() you can take a template from the config. Without parameters, the method gets the variable name, translates it into kebab-case and takes the value from the config.

// the value will be received from telegram-bot.from-field-name val BotHandling.fromFieldName by TemplateFactory.property() // the value will be received from telegram-bot.from-custom-param val BotHandling.fromParam by TemplateFactory.property("from-custom-param") // the value will be received from telegram-bot.from-param. // if no value is specified in the config, "default template when null" will be substituted val BotHandling.fromParamOrDefault by TemplateFactory.property("from-param", "default template when null")

You can get the template anywhere you want it:

import io.github.dehuckakpyt.telegrambot.factory.template.TemplateFactory.property val fileWithoutClass by property() val BotHandling.extendedField by property() class SomeClass { val inAnyClass by property() } fun BotHandling.startCommand() { val insideMethods by property() command("/start") { val insideMethodsInMethods by property() sendMessage(insideMethods) sendMessage(insideMethodsInMethods) } }
Last modified: 07 September 2024