Kotlin Telegram Bot 0.11.7a Help


Tests are an important part of the application. And testing a bot can be extremely simple:

dependencies { ... testImplementation("io.github.dehuckakpyt.telegrambot:telegram-bot-test:0.11.7a") }

Example in code with database storing.



@SpringBootTest @EnableTelegramBotTest class RegistrationHandlerIT @Autowired constructor( private val bot: TelegramBot, ) { @BeforeEach fun setUp() { clearAllMocks() } @Test @DataSet("/datasets/handler/registration/command.json") @ExpectedDataSet("/datasets/handler/registration/command__expected.json") fun `register command`() = runTest { // Arrange coEvery { bot.sendMessage(1_001, any(), replyMarkup = any()) } returns mockk() // Act sendUpdateAsync(resourceAsString("/json/handler/registration/command-update.json")) // Assert coVerify(timeout = 3000) { bot.sendMessage(1_001, "Please, share your phone number.", replyMarkup = isNull(inverse = true)) } } }


{ "update_id": 1, "message": { "message_id": 2, "from": { "id": 1001, "is_bot": false, "first_name": "DEHucka_KpyT" }, "chat": { "id": 1001, "type": "private" }, "date": 1707824482, "text": "/register" } }


@SpringBootTest @EnableTelegramBotTest class StartCommandIT( private val bot: TelegramBot, ) : FreeSpec({ beforeEach { clearAllMocks() } "start command" { // Arrange coEvery { bot.sendMessage(123, any()) } returns mockk() // Act sendUpdate(resourceAsString("/json/handler/start/update.json")) // Assert coVerify { bot.sendMessage(123, "Start command.") bot.sendMessage(123, "Hello, my name is mock_bot :-)") } } })


{ "update_id": 1, "message": { "message_id": 2, "from": { "id": 123, "is_bot": false, "first_name": "DEHucka_KpyT" }, "chat": { "id": 123, "type": "private" }, "date": 1707824482, "text": "/start" } }
Last modified: 05 April 2024